
Amber's ArmoireTM
keeps you abreast on as many current
animal-related issues as possible. Our medical advice
comes from veterinarians and other animal healthcare professionals.
If you would
like to contribute specific issues to Amber's Armoire,
please email
us and we will post them on our Current Issues page.
It's fun to lend a helping
Become a "Foster Pet Parent".
Temporarily adopt our servicemen and
women's pets while they are deployed.
Here in San Diego and in many other parts
of the country, our brave servicemen and women are being
deployed to parts of the world for an uncertain amount
of time.
As a result, many must relinquish their
pets by bringing them to the pound, shelters, etc. as
they do not have someone to care for them.
We, at Amber’s Armoire, support
our troops and encourage you to open your heart and
home and permanently adopt or "temporarily"
adopt one of these pets.
Please contact your area shelters and
military bases to get information on rescuing these

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United Animal Nations Publication
This publication is a great reference
to many issues animals face today in our changing world.
Please take the time to read the information on their
site. Read
Pet Owner or Guardian
Pet Owners are now guardians in
San Francisco. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors
passed an ordinance recently to change the city's health
code to make pet owners also pet guardians. The reason
behind this change is to consider pets as animals and
not property. The first city to adopt the change was
Boulder, Colorado. Other cities in California are West
Hollywood and Berkley. Following are the city of Sherwood
Arkansas and the state of Rhode Island.
do you think?? Should we change from pet owner to
pet guardian??
For more stories on the subject
check out the following links:
Owners or Guardians? - April 15,
Appeared in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- March 16
US Sportsmen's Alliance - (Formerly